Today school as per normal: 1)Contact Time:Revising maths...2)D&T:Paint my woodpiece with Xin Jing and others(: 3)Science:Continue to revise my maths and Ethyl &JieYu coach me thank you very much(: 4)Recess:Revise~~~5)Literature:Go through workbook...6)CPA:Type finish the page 100 from textbook and print it out...7)Mother Tongue:Give present to miss lim as today is her bday(:And we also having a lot of fun(: 8)Assembly:Watch video but I still continue to revise maths with JieYu coaching me(:
After school,ate lunch with Xin Jing,Ethyl and JieYu at our secret place...then later bus293 with JieYu to fairprice first then walk to her incredibles tales and it was so scary man):no offence~~~Watch till about 6plus then leave her house and go fetch JieYu's sister,JieZi then JieYu acompany me to bus stop then bus 72 back to interchange and bus81 home(:
She ends @