Today wake up,eat breakfast,play computer and my 2nd sister also got teach me maths...thank you very much(:Then after i bathe,had my afternoon nap till 4pm then JieYu call and ask me wanna meet then i ask her wanna come my house then she say okay...(:then going about 4plus,i bring jojo down to meet her at the RC bus stop then when reach le,she wear so pretty offence JieYuso firstly,went to central to buy bubble tea then walk to my my house,we play computer very fun because we keep talking a lot of crap no offence~~~then about 7.45pm,we leave my house and wait for JieYu father to fetch her...and very funny her father drive the wrong direction then we keep chasing after the car then JieYu hurry call her father and tell him that he should drive to the bus stop and not keep driving offence~~~then after she go home le,i chiong home to eat my dinner and watching F1 race..that all i gonna write bye(:
She ends @