Today reach school and have temperature taking and my temperature is 36.4 heng no fever(:
1)CMT:Fun,played game
2)PW/LS:Went to 3d Animation room and do some drawing for storyboard
4)Music:Quite fun,listen to different kind of music and Ivan keep making us laugh
English:Went back to previous grouping with JieYu,Cavell and Ethyl and started to design board games...
5)Maths:Not bad,at least Mr Sim keep making us laugh let us laugh out loud
6)Social Studies:Boring...only studying textbook and that's all
After school,went with Cavell,Ethyl,Hannah and Syaza coz we are going to change our CCA so firstly,we went to the playground again to slack awhile then after that,went back to school and find all our current CCA teachers and new CCA teacher and heng they all agree and now left with Mr Teo nevermind..will deal with him tomorrow...the new CCA teacher say today start CCA then we like so shock so we start by planting and that's all then about 4plus,leave the school and bus home(:
She ends @